by Lauren McDermott

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The French Edition - Four Families in France

How lucky are we Brits to have the beauty of Europe right on our door step?

Elegant countries, bursting with culture, history and some of the best food and drink in the world!

France is at the top of my list of favourites (OK so I think its joint first with Italy). I'm not sure if it's the bread or the wine, the shutters or the lavender... but France really does hold a piece of my heart, and every time I visit I fall more and more in love.This last visit was no exception.

If you're in the market for a perfectly relaxing, authentic french getaway with family or're going to love this one!!

 We stayed in Manor La Croix de La Jugie, an ancient, beautiful and typically french manoir in the Nouvelle Aquitine region of southwest France.This breathtakingly beautiful, rambling country pile sleeps up to 22 across eight bedrooms.

We stayed with three of our wonderful friends and their families The Stewarts, The Williams' and The Fazeli's. We have a whopping eight boys between us. Archie the eldest at nine years and Rory and Sally's Remy the youngest, just over one. There was actually one baby girl on the trip...but she's still tucked up cosy in her pretty Mummy's tummy.

So on that Friday in July, we drove the final leg of our journey from Bordeaux airport to the rolling hills of Saint-Priest-Liguoure. Off the beaten track, through the prettiest little French villages, pastel coloured and covered in flowers to even prettier hay bale fields and orchard lined lanes.

Despite seeing many pictures before travelling, we were still quite blown away as we approached the property, golden gravel beneath our wheels.Set in the most tranquil location, Manoir La Croix de La Jugie is a creeper-covered 18th century manor farm house, with acres to explore, a pool to splash in and stylish vintage interiors.Let me show you around........

The gardens, typical of this part of France, instantly calm your mind. Roses climb the walls and the bee-covered lavender thrives in the French sun. Theres a beautiful mixed fruit orchard, wheat field and more hydrangeas than my flower queen Jules knew what to do with.

As you walk from the bright sunshine, through that impressive turquoise door, the cool, smokey air of this ancient manoir hits you. Its like stepping back in time. Stylish and more than comfortable but sympathetically restored.

The reception space is impressive, A Grande Salon, Dining Room, Games Room and a large kitchen-diner at the heart of the property.

Eight gorgeous bedrooms (and six bathrooms) each with their own style and charm.

From Jules and James' Rose Bedroom with its roll top bath, and french doors to the terrace. Claire and Mikey's 'Chapeau' Bedroom (meaning 'Hat') which was airy, bright and sunny with the sweetest little hats on the wall.

The Fazeli's went for the Pent House in the old part of the building with it's stunning high ceilings, magical windows and deep cool walls.

Their 'Beatrix Bedroom' was in the eaves, with a super high ceiling, low beams and velux windows overlooking the valley.

We took the floor below The Fazeli's. It was called theSimply 'Bleu Bedroom', which had the most stunning view onto the cow strewn field. Waking up to that sheer fabric blowing in the breeze.... Perfect!

The house is spacious enough that all the children we able to have their own rooms, near their parents and no families had to share a bathroom.

I've never really been the biggest fan of package holiday's, but sometimes, as parents it can feel like the only option to keep the children entertained, so many of us join in the all-inclusive cookie-cutter holiday trap. Of course, there will always be a place for that kind of holiday, and sometimes its just what you need, but for me, this is how to holiday with children.

From the moment they woke up, the boys eagerly listened out for signs that their friends might be awake, before skipping downstairs to play together.

The house is well equipped for families, with baby gates, children's high-chairs, cots and a huge selection of indoor and outdoor toys for all ages.

The pool area is fenced and the banisters are high. The owners have clearly worked hard to ensure this 18th century farm house is as safe and well equipped as a new build resort...but with a lot more personality!

The boys had so much fun playing together and it was such a treat to see their friendships growing.

This is the second time we've holidayed as a large group, and I'd love to think that we'll continue to make it a yearly thing, so our children grow up together and look forward to these big "party" holidays.

So how did we fill our time?

We always started the day with a coffee, I nice strong one freshly made by Colin or Jules....They mastered the art of the coffee machine early on. We all ate breakfast together, on the terrace. Cereal and fresh fruit for the children and usually some kind of delicious french pastry for us! Then off to the pool, make-up free ready for a morning being splashed and dunked by eight excited boys.

After a morning in the sun, we would crack open a bottle of wine and enjoy lunch on the terrace. Claire made us a delicious brunch one morning, and Ayman did a mean BBQ, but most of the meals were created by our in-house Chef... Colin. He absolutely loves cooking and the kitchen is his 'happy place'. So he made himself very at home in this lovely big farm house one and night after night we were spoiled with his yummy feasts.

Once the children were tucked up in bed, we showered, changed and enjoyed some of that amazing 5 euro White Wine on the terrace at sun down. The grounds really are beautiful, and once the farmers had finished up for the day, there was nothing to hear but the rattling of crickets and the clunking of glasses around the table...bliss!

If staying in, eating, drinking and chatting isn't your thing (then I'm not sure we can be friends...), there's plenty to do in the local area too. So many pretty villages to explore, the city of Limonges less than 40 minutes away. Theres a zoo, amazing restaurants, wild swimming and even a castle to explore. We did venture out a few times, but honestly, our favourite place to be was in the Manoir, sipping a cold drink and watching the children have the time of their lives!

The perfect holiday for a big family, girly break or a group of friends like us. La Jugie even hosts & Breathe Postnatal Retreats and bespoke events such as weddings and parties.

If you're thinking this might be the kind of holiday for you, La Jugie have very kindly given us a code that would give you 10% off a beautiful escape here. You simply need to mention  "The French Edition" when enquiring during the next month.

Thank you to Clio Wood and family for kindly inviting us to stay in this amazing place and for giving us memories to cherish forever. Now...where to next year.......?

I'm proud to say that this post is in collaboration with La Jugie , but as always, all thoughts, words and opinions are my own.

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